
Archive for August, 2014

Class of 2014Danielle Cole

Graduate:  Danielle Cole

Major: Early Childhood Education

Transfer School: Temple University

Prospective Career: Kindergarten Teacher

Clubs/Activities at MCCC: ACE Club, Rotaract Club (Co-President), SGA (Senator), and Habit for Humanity Club

What career or calling are you pursuing? Have you always wanted to work in that field?

I am pursuing a teaching career. I want to be a kindergarten teacher. I have always known that I wanted to be a teacher because I love working with kids, and that is where I found my passion. I work with kids now: I like watching them grow from when they start school to when they end and to see how much they grew, their knowledge and how they grow as a person. Kids are very creative, so they have amazing imaginations. Seeing how they can solve a problem without anybody’s help is just amazing to watch.

By Harris Risell, Montgazette Editor

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By Andre Wilson III

Many people go into college feeling alone and a bit afraid due because they may no longer be at a school with all of their friends. For that reason, many decide to attend school events and join clubs to meet people who have similar interests and goals in life. Montgomery County Community College offers a variety of clubs for students to join. New clubs are always being created, some last and some don’t, but one particular club is on the rise right now: the Student Engineering Association or SEA.

SEA is a student club with a focus on engineering and the various ways in which all forms of engineering are used to help shape the world and solve its problems. While still in its building stage, the club aims to be completely up and running by the 2014 fall semester. However, anybody can join the club, and, if interested, you can join right now. Sign-up sheets are available in the Engineering Department in the lower level of the Science building and the Student Leadership office in the lower level of College Hall.

One of the greatest things about the SEA is that anybody with the slightest interest in engineering can join. Therefore, you do not have to necessarily be an engineering major to be a part of the club.

“Anybody who has anything to offer can join. Anybody who can work collaboratively and efficiently could be of good use to the club,” says Coty Hines, secretary of the Student Engineering Association.

Why is it important to be able to work collaboratively and efficiently? For one, the club has several group projects in the works for next semester right now. The biggest of those projects is the construction of an ultra-light vehicle that can run on fossil fuels. This ultra-light vehicle will be the main focus of the club next semester, but that’s not the only reason you should join. The club offers creative freedom to all members, meaning that if any individual or group has an engineering task that they’d like to pursue, then they may do so.

However, the club’s focus is not just to construct and build things. The club also strives to prepare students to work in the real world. When asked why people should join, Hines replied, “It is important to gain experience in the field you wish to work in, and you don’t have to wait until you’re employed in that field to start gaining that experience.”

During the next couple of months the club will be doing a lot of recruiting both around campus. They have several special events in the works, so keep an eye open for that. Sign up today!

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